Hi there,
I'm just popping in to let you know that I've started blogging again, but I felt like doing things a bit differently going forward. I decided to create two new blogs; one for Stampin Up only creations and one for all the other things that I make. In case you were wondering why, well I know that some SU demos as well as customers want to look at SU only creations and I feel that as a demo I should be directing my customers to my Stampin Up creations in order to honour the company I demonstrate for. On the other hand, I do own a lot of products from other companies and I love creating with them as well and for some reason (as I've discovered over the last 6 months) I seem to create more (and better quality!) things when I share them with others on my blog. I am always encouraged by the kind comments people leave and these spur me on to make more.
Anyway, if you want to check out my new blogs, here are the addresses:
www.whitehousestamping.blogspot.com (my SUO blog)
I do hope you'll stop by, and even become a follower if you want to keep tabs on what I'm doing!
Thanks so much for your support on this blog - hope to see you at one or both of my new addresses!
x Amy x
Enjoy the Ride with Not 2 Shabby
1 day ago